
Self-Care Muscle Release

1. Begin neck rolls. Allowing circular motions, do two revolutions. Then, as you feel a pain, no matter how severe, stay with the block of pain until you feel a release. As the muscle relaxes, move on to the next point of tension. After you have comleted the revolution of neck muscle release, move on to the shoulders.

2. Begin shoulder rolls with the same concept. Roll shoulders twice forward, then twice back. With the third revolution, notice tension in the body. Pay attention to scapulas on both sides, hips, erectors. With any muscles that you feel a sense of strain, honor and allow them to release in a patient way. Do two more revolutions both forward and back to dissipate the toxins released during the process.

3. Begin spinal release. Tilt head forward and slowly release as you move downward on the first and only stretch. Paying close attention, allow yourself to sit with each pain or block that has manifested in each disk or spinous process. This is an individual process. Provide ample time as the spinal cord should not be rushed in any way. After the final release at the base of the spine (remember the coccyx, or tailbone), allow yourself to walk up to the top the same way you walked down.

4. Leg rotations the same as shoulder rolls.

5. Shake out all muscles to release final toxins as free radicals and toxins.

1 comment:

Bea said...

Good Morning!

Thank you for all your good info and chance to experience what we are learning. I so appreciate your willingness to share and teach and guide us as we are able. It was a great night and I slept better than I have in a long while. Getting things clarified and outside of ones self is always so theraputic. Love to you and your boys. Bye for now.