Energy has become a hot topic these days. But why do people attribute it to our bodies? Most of the time, I don't even have energy to make dinner, much less get up in the morning...without my coffee that is.
Energy in mind-body medicine is used to talk about the subtle energy that not only flows in, through and around our bodies, but for a seasoned energy therapist, it is workable. Our bodies are surrounded by electricity. In fact, each person has his own electromagnetic field. Like the earth's atmosphere, our fields are full of activity. Because our field, or auras, are actually subtle matter, debri will get caught in our aura like a spiderweb catches flys. Much of what gets caught or stuck in this field is the stuff that emotions are made of. Moved from your beloved home at the age of 4? That's in there. Divorce, death, fear or situations of feeling unloved? Not only are these memories planted in each of our auras, but when a new memory comes along, our emotional pattern will respond in like kind. Traumas or joys, we act out what we know.
As the E stands for electric in the EM field, the M stands for magnetic. Like the earth, our bodies also act like magnets and have a north and south pole. We have a series of magnetic matter throughout our bodies that make our bones, for instance, grow longer. As our magnetic field runs north and south, our electrical field runs east and west.
So when we jump into our cars in the morning and head to the local coffee hut with nothing and everything swirling through our minds, this energy is reflecting a magnificent system of weather patterns out of balanced electrical flow trying to mesh with another out of balanced magnetic flow. How does one come to a balanced state of mind?
A seasoned energy worker can move and balance the EM system in a way that will release blockages. As well, there are exercises we can do to help ourselves. Balancing the energy centers in your body will quickly bring your system into balance.